“Go The Social Distance” Street Scramble U-District


March 29 – June 20.

Scramble whenever you want!
Scramble however you want! !
Share with us online!

Your other events have probably gotten canceled! Gathering in groups is prohibited! There’s no toilet paper! Ok, take a breath. We can do this!

When faced with the necessary decision to cancel our original event, we realized that we can keep everything that makes a Street Scramble great, just without the crowds! Come try a Street Scramble experiment and get some much-needed exercise and fresh air!

Here’s how it’ll work:

  1. On the morning of March 29 (the original event date), we’ll post checkpoint maps and questions (more details to come on how we’ll post them).
  2. Print ’em out (or view on your phone), and head over to the U-District anytime you want between March 29 and June 15.
  3. Explore the neighborhood! Find quirky checkpoints! You can run, walk, bike, whatever!
  4. Share your experience with us! Either by email or over on our Facebook page!

However, please follow all city, county, state, and federal recommendations for social distancing during your participation. Participate individually or in small groups of people who you are already in close contact with. Keep a safe distance of 6-feet from other participants and pedestrians. If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or exposed to suspected or confirmed persons with the disease, please do not participate. If you are at high risk of infection, please do not participate.